Juan Pablo Zoffoli

(+56 2) 2354 4266



  • M.Sc., Horticulture. Oregon State University, EUA.
  • Doctor, Ciencias de la Agricultura. Pontificia Universidad Católica De Chile, Chile.

  • Bonomelli, C., Mogollón, R., Tonetto de Freitas, S., Zoffoli, J.P., Contreras, C. 2020. Nutritional Relationships in Bitter Pit-Affected Fruit and the Feasibility of Vis-NIR Models to Determine Calcium Concentration in 'Fuji' Apples. Agronomy 2020, 10, 1476. DOI: 10.3390/agronomy10101476.
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  • Mogollón, R., Contreras, C., da Silva Neta, M.L., Marques, E.J.N., Zoffoli, J.P., de Freitas, S.T. 2020. Non-destructive prediction and detection of internal physiological disorders in 'Keitt' mango using a hand-held Vis-NIR spectrometer. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 167, art. no. 111251. DOI: 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2020.111251
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  • Riquelme-Toledo, D., Valdés-Gómez, H., Fermaud, M., Zoffoli, J.P. 2020. Postharvest incidence of stem end rot in 'Hayward' Kiwifruit is related to preharvest botrytis cinerea colonization of floral parts and latent infection. Plant Disease, 104(3):823-832. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-06-19-1315-RE.
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  • Mogollon, M.R., Jara, A.F., Contreras, C., Zoffoli, J.P. 2020. Quantitative and qualitative VIS-NIR models for early determination of internal browning in 'Cripps Pink' apples during cold storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 161, art. no. 111060. DOI:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2019.111060.
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  • Elfar, K., Zoffoli, J.P., Latorre, B.A. 2019. Alternaria spp. on apparently healthy apples as a potential inoculum source for moldy core development and the effect of resistant and susceptible apple cultivars. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 155(3):743–754. DOI:10.1007/s10658-019-01802-2
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  • Ayala, M., Gebauer, M., Castro, F., Zoffoli, J.P. 2019. Preliminary results of new sweet cherry (Prunus avium) breeding program in Chile. Acta Horticulturae, 1235:295-302. DOI:10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1235.41
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  • Blanco, V., Zoffoli, J.P., Ayala, M. 2019. High tunnel cultivation of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.): physiological and production variables. 2019, Scientia Horticulturae 251:108-117.
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  • Elfar, K., Zoffoli, J.P., Latorre, B.A. 2018. Occurrence of alternaria blotch associated with Alternaria alternata, a. Arborescens, a. infectoria, and a. tenuissima on apples in Chile. Plant Disease 102(8):1668.
  • Elfar, K., Zoffoli, J.P., Latorre, B. 2018. Identification and Characterization of Alternaria Species Associated with Moldy Core of Apple in Chile. Plant Disease 2018 102(11):2158-2169.
  • Zoffoli, J.P., Sanguedolce, V., Naranjo, P. y Contreras, C. 2018. Prestorage Temperature and Ultra-low Oxygen Treatments Affect Incidence of Physiological Disorders in Organic 'Granny Smith' Apples. HortScience 53(10):1475-1481.
  • Díaz, G.A., Latorre, B.A., Lolas, M., Ferrada, E., Naranjo, P., Zoffoli, J.P. 2017. Identification and Characterization of Diaporthe ambigua, D. australafricana, D. novem, and D. rudis Causing a Postharvest Fruit Rot in Kiwifruit. Plant Disease, 101:1402-1410. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-10-16-1535-RE.
  • Elfar, K.; Riquelme, D.; Zoffoli, J. P.; Latorre, B. A. 2017. First Report of Botrytis prunorum causing fruit rot on kiwifruit in Chile. Plant Disease 101(2):388-389. DOI : 10.1094/PDIS-05-16-0775-PDN.
  • Díaz, G.A., M. Lolas, E.E. Ferrada, B.A. Latorre, and J.P. Zoffoli. 2016. First report of Cadophora malorum associated with cordon dieback in kiwi plants in Chile Plant Disease First report of Cadophora malorum associated with cordon dieback in kiwi plants in Chile. Plant Disease 100:1776-1777.
  • Díaz, A.G., J.P. Zoffoli, M. Lolas, A. Blanco, B.A. Latorre, E.E. Ferrada, K. Elfar and P. Naranjo. 2016. Occurrence of Phacidiopycnis washingtonensis causing speck rot on stored Pink Lady apple fruit in Chile. Plant Disease 100:211-212.
  • Ferrada, E.E., Latorre, B.A., Zoffoli, J.P., Castillo, A.E. 2016. Identification and characterization of Botrytis Blossom Blight of Japanese plums caused by Botrytis cinerea and B. prunorum sp. Nov. in Chile. Phytopathology 106:155-165.
  • Rodríguez J., Zoffoli, J.P. 2016. Effect of sulfur dioxide and modified atmosphere packaging on blueberry postharvest quality. Postharvest Biology and Technol. 117: 230-238.
  • Param, N., and Zoffoli J.P. 2016. Genotypic differences in sweet cherries are associated with the susceptibility to mechanical damage. Scientia Horticulturae 211: 410-419.
  • Zoffoli, J.P., Flores, K., D'Hainaut, D. 2016. Effect of ethylene on ripening of kiwifruit stored under controlled or modified packaging and treated with 1-methylcyclopropene. Journal of Berry Research 6(4):381-393 DOI: 10.323/JBR-160117.
  • Ferrada, E.E., Díaz G.A., Zoffoli, J.P., and B.A. Latorre.  2015.  First Report of Botrytis cinerea Causing Blossom Blight on Japanese Plums in Chile. Plant Disease 99(6):887.
  • Díaz, G.A., Zoffoli J.P., Lolas, M., Blanco, A., Latorre, B.A., Ferrada, E., Elfar, K., and P. Naranjo. 2015. Occurrence of Phacidiopycnis washingtonensis causing speck rot on stored Pink Lady apple fruit in Chile. Plant Disease 100(1):211.

Capítulo de Libro

  • Zoffoli J.P., Toivonen P., Wang Y. 2017. Postharvest Biology and Handling for Fresh Markets. In J. Quero-Garcia, A. Lezzoni, J. Pulawska, G. Lang, eds. Cherries: Botany, Production and Uses. CABI Publishing, 2nd ed. INRA, Bordeaux, France. ISBN: 9781780648378. 549 p.

  • 2019-2021. Poscosecha de uva con mínimo uso de fungicidas. FIC-R O'Higgins. Investigador Responsable.
  • 2018-2020. Diplomado semipresencial "Programa en Inspección Fitosanitaria Chileno" bajo la metodología online y con certificación UC en inspección fitosanitaria para la exportación en Chile (STDF502/COSAVE #3). SAG_IICA. Investigador Responsable.
  • 2014-2017. Detección no invasiva de manzanas con problemas internos de corazón acuoso y pardeamiento. Proyecto FIA (PYT-2014-0002). Investigador Responsable.
  • 2014-2016. Fungi associated with wood canker and branch dieback in kiwifruit, and their importance causing postharvest decay on exported fruit in long term storage. Proyecto Fondecyt-Posdoc 3140304. Investigador Patrocinante.
  • 2012-2015. Reducción del tiempo de obtención de variedades de duraznero, nectarino y ciruelo japonés, mediante la implementación de una plataforma de evaluación comercial de selecciones avanzadas, provenientes de un Programa de Mejoramiento Genético. Proyecto FIA (PYT-2012-0021). Co-investigador.
  • 2012-2014. Envase de atmósfera modificada para el transporte y comercialización de cereza bajo fluctuación térmica hasta el consumidor final. Proyecto FONDEF D10I1096. Investigador Responsable.