Ph.D., Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
M.Sc., Natural Resources Policy and Administration
Ingeniero Forestal, Universidad de Chile
Jones, K.W., Etchart, N., Holland, M., Naughton-Treves, L., Arriagada, R. 2020. The impact of paying for forest conservation on perceived tenure security in Ecuador. Conservation Letters, 3(4),e12710. DOI:10.1111/conl.12710. Link publicación
Bopp, C., Engler, A., Jara-Rojas, R., Arriagada, R. 2020. Are forest plantation subsidies affecting land use change and off-farm income? A farm-level analysis of Chilean small forest landowners. Land Use Policy, 91, 104308. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104308 Link publicación
Nahuelhual, L., Benra, F., Laterra, P., Marin, S., Arriagada, R., Jullian, C.2018. Patterns of ecosystem services supply across farm properties: Implications for ecosystem services-based policy incentives. Science of The Total Environment 634:941-950.
Arriagada, R.., Aldunce, P., Blanco, G., Ibarra, C., Moraga, P., Nahuelhual, L., O'Ryan, R., Urquiza, A. and Gallardo, L., 2018. Climate change governance in the Anthropocene: Emergence of Polycentrism in Chile. Elem Sci Anth, 6(1), p.68. Disponible
Arriagada R., Villaseñor A., Rubiano E., Cotacachi D., Morrison J. 2018. Analysing the impacts of PES programmes beyond economic rationale: Perceptions of ecosystem services provision associated to the Mexican case. Ecosystem Services 29: 116-127.
Gelcich, S., Reyes F., Arriagada R., Castillo B. 2018. Assessing the implementation of marine ecosystem based management into national policies: Insights from agenda setting and policy responses. Marine Policy 92: 40-47.
Cuenca P., Arriagada R., Echeverría C. 2016. How much deforestation do protected areas avoid in tropical Andean landscapes?. Environmental Science & Policy. 56(2016):56-66.
2015-2016. Capacity building for impact evaluation, evidence synthesis, and communication of results for improved envi-ronmental evaluation and management. The British Council - Newton-Picarte. Investigador Responsable.
2014-2017. Centro para el impacto socioeconómico de las políticas ambientales - Center for Socioeconomic Impact of Environmental Policies (CESIEP). Núcleo Milenio, código NS130004. Investigador Responsable.
2011-2014. Measuring the impact of protected areas networks on land use dynamics: the Chilean case. FONDECYT - FONDECYT-INICIACION EN INVESTIGACION, Código 11110271. Investigador Responsable.