
Proyectos Fondecyt adjudicados por la Facultad el 2017


fondecyt tomateNuestra Facultad se adjudicó cinco proyectos Fondecyt en los cuales el investigador responsable es académico de la Facultad, y cuatro proyectos con la participación de académicos como coinvestigadores.

Los proyectos adjudicados son los siguientes:

TítuloInvestigador ResponsableCoinvestigador
 The flood memory of a river system: using both experimental and field-based approaches to unravel the role  of unsteady flow and antecedent flows on sediment dynamics during floods.  LUCA MAO  
 Integrating crop simulation models, ground observations, and remote sensing data to improve the estimation of actual evapotranspiration  FRANCISCO MEZA  
 Effect of dietary lipids on milk fat synthesis in dairy cows: A nutrigenomic approach  EINAR VARGAS BELLO  
 Uncovering plant hormone signaling in nitrate-defense response interaction in tomato  ANDREA VEGA  
 The role of genetic diversity in the success of the parasitoid Mastrus ridens as a biological control agent and in its adaptation to new environments  TANIA ZAVIEZO  
 From QTLs to QTNs: Identifying the most favorable alleles for assisted selection of quality traits in table grapes and their interaction with growth regulators  NILO MEJIA  ALONSO PEREZ
 Measuring evaporative water loss in arid environments using optical and microwave scintillometers.  FRANCISCO SUAREZ  FRANCISCO MEZA
 Climate change adaptation in regulated water utilities  SEBASTIAN VICUÑA  OSCAR MELO
 Morphological impacts in rivers affected by volcanic eruptions. Chaiten and Calbuco: similar disturbance but different fluvial evolution? (PIROFLUV)  ANDRES IROUME  LUCA MAO